Our Skippy Story
Customers comment on how great bread and muffins tastes when made from home milled flour. Until you’ve tried it, it’s hard to imagine. There is a terrific satisfaction from breads made this way. Not only do we naturally connect with the freshness and flavour, but the taste lifts to a new level. Many of us are discovering just how commercially milled flour is compromised, learning the hard way through poor health, but now the search is over as we discover how much life can be improved from freshly home milled grains.

23 YEARS Skippy Grain Mills ANZAC, an Australian / New Zealand family business, was established in 1998 when the family first started milling whole grains at their NSW home. Looking for health improvement solutions, they discovered grain mills. Started with a hand mill then moved on to an electric for all their baking needs. Processing fresh flour at home made a big difference to the family’s wellbeing and general health.
Skippy Grain Mills current owners continue to help others discover the benefits of home milling.
Business Owners: Stephen & Karen Balemi
Skippy Grain Mills New Zealand ——— Skippy Grain Mills Australia
Commercial Flour Mills
Skippy now offer an extensive range of both Semi Commercial and Commercial Flour Mills and Flour Sifters. We also supply the larger Flour Mill machinery packages to the Grain Farming sector.
We are official ANZ distributors for the Austrian manufacturer’s “Waldner” and “Osttiroler”.
We have the experience to help you. We sell direct at wholesale affordable prices. And support you with a seven day week after sales service.

Warranty Support
10 Years – Hawos Electric Home Mills / 2 Years Commercial Mills
7 Years – Schnitzer Home Mills / Eschenfelder Flakers
10 Years – Messerschmidt Home Mills and Grinders
Warranty is not easy to handle from New Zealand to Europe for the individual with expensive return freight costs. We have heard of Kiwi’s who cannot enforce overseas warranty claims. But we offer you direct warranty support from both New Zealand and or Australia, supported in-turn by years of good relationship with the European manufacturers.
Why is a Grain Mill so Good?
The process of milling and making breads, cakes and other baked items, or rolling some fresh oats for breakfast, is natural and very wholesome. The western world makes most food in factories for maximum profit. In contrast to mass processed foods, the taste, satisfied hunger and digestive qualities of eating freshly processed whole grains at home, offers a truly grounding effect for the diet. There is a connection with nature when eating whole-foods – doing something for ourselves and others in this way is the ultimate food journey of a lifetime.

Controlling what we eat is very important, especially if we have special diet needs, where many are struggling with gluten-intolerance or worse. If we consider issues like GMO, the host of additives found in breads and the loss of age-old balance from grains, it’s not difficult to see how valuable a home grain mill can be – not just to get the needed nutrition, but to make food that can really be enjoyed.

Food is often enjoyed with others, and having something wholesome to share is the BEST way to connect over a meal, to “break bread” From simple yeasted breads to crafted sourdough masterpieces, we can’t go past using absolutely fresh ingredients for the highest enjoyment. A glass of wine and a chunk of bread together, or a loaf of bread to say “thank you”; there are so many ways to share quality, wholesome food. Having a grain mill at home makes itself useful over and over again, enriching many lives during it’s many years of faithful service.
Just as we enjoy a good landscape painting hanging on our wall, so too a grain mill with a natural timber housing will draw us to nature. Stone milling is the age old method of grinding grains, and this method still makes the best flours today with slower speeds and gentle grinding for maximum nutrition and taste. We have come to love the timber housings of our grain mills, ageing gracefully and serving so faithfully.