Schnitzer – KitchenAid Stone Grain Mill (14400) Attachment


The Schnitzer Stone Grain Flour Mill (14400) Attachment comes ready to fit to your KitchenAid Stand Mixer.

Kenwood also available.

  • Funnel /Hopper 600g
  • 45 -100 grams per minute
  • 80 rpm
  • Naxos Basalt- Millstones

Delivery 1-3 weeks




Schnitzer attachments are handmade precision equipment. For over 40 years we have optimised the quality and durability of our grinding attachments. They are hand-casted in multistage process and gently dried at a constant temperature for several weeks. So it gets the hardness to avoid cracks in the mill stone. Because the food processors do not work with a high rotational speed, naxo-basalt is the perfect material for the mill stones.


  • Dimensions length x width x height in mm: 195 x 116 x 350
  • Weight: 1.7 kg
  • Funnel fill quantity: approx. 600 g
  • Grinding performance at 80rpm: 45g / min fine, 100g / min coarse
  • Millstones: from Naxos basalt

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